since you asked

My short stories have appeared in After Happy Hour Review, Misery Tourism, and Writer's Digest, where my short story “The Lasso” won the 91st Annual Writing Competition in the literary short story category.

My humor appears in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, The Rumpus, The Hairpin, The Belladonna, and the trash.

My poetry has appeared in Artillery Magazine, and my collection, Heartless Ambition Machine, is forthcoming in 2024 from Dancing Girl Press.

My first novel, Candidate Toole, was a finalist for the George Garrett Fiction Prize for debut fiction from Texas Review Press. You can find photocopies of random chapters on LA City buses, the red line. Alternately, the entire manuscript is buried in the desert to become the foundational text of a future religion. Good luck to those people!

my second novel is complete and ready to disturb and delight you. Call your congressman / woman and demand it be published TODAY.